Group Booking on Scheduled Flights

ProAir can not only offer group charters: we are also happy to offer booking on scheduled flights as a supplement to the charter or individual service.

When groups travel, ProAir’s flight experts check the entire market of available scheduled flights. This way you can benefit from our comprehensive market overview right from the start of your inquiry and you can always expect the best solution for your group travel by charter or scheduled flight.

The advantages of ProAir organized group bookings on scheduled flights are obvious: From planning to participant management, cancellation, no-shows and go-shows, catering and branding, naming or participant management, you enjoy the advantage of a professional, personal contact person responsible for you. As proven experts in the safe and precise organization of group flights for a wide range of travel groups and sizes, the experienced ProAir team is available for the individual flight planning of your trip.

Lösungen für Ihre Gruppenreise

Our travel logisticians will be happy to show you the most suitable alternatives and find the offer with an optimal price/performance ratio that fits your budget and itinerary – no matter how large your travel group is.

Enquire now.


Our team of specialists is at your disposal around the clock.

+49 711 70839-0

More professional services


Ambulance Charters

Charter for medical flights, medevac and organ transport.


Concert Tours

Flight Logistics for orchestras & bands on tour. Partner of tour managers.


Delegation Trips

Charter & logistics solutions for flights with strict protocol - national and international.


Employee shuttles

Air connections between company locations. Commuting with efficiency.


Flight Logistics

Large passenger groups flying. By charter or scheduled flight.


Helicopter Charter

High flexibility for passengers or cargo. Take-off and landing anywhere.


Support flights

Flight logistics for crisis situations. Passenger & relief goods.


Team Charter

Soccer teams, support staff and management - fully supported.


Transfer Arrangements

Available for you on the ground. Transfer solutions of all comfort levels.


VIP Guest Charter

Exclusive group charter solutions. For VIP guests of sporting events.